Our mission is to bridge the gap between art and environmental stewardship. We harness the power of visual media to advocate for a healthier planet, believing that storytelling can transform perspectives and foster a deeper connection with the natural world. Through our work, we aim to raise awareness and promote sustainable practices, encouraging individuals and organizations to take meaningful action for the environment. Join us as we strive to make a lasting impact for future generations.


I discovered my passion for underwater videography approximately 15 years ago when I moved to Egypt to work as a diving instructor. Initially, it was simply a hobby, but everything changed when I invested in my first professional camera—a Sony H1 paired with a SubSpace housing and monitor.
A few years later, I founded my production company, which marked a significant turning point in my journey. While I had previously dabbled in both photography and videography, I chose to focus exclusively on videography moving forward. I immersed myself in learning, studying countless tutorials and films, and diligently applying what I learned in practice.
My dedication to the craft has never waned. To this day, I continue to find inspiration in the works of fellow filmmakers, always eager to expand my skills and creative vision.
I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have experienced many remarkable underwater encounters, particularly in the Red Sea, which has provided me with countless opportunities. However, the most memorable footage I captured was during a trip to Tonga two years ago, where I had the chance to film humpback whales.
Swimming alongside these gentle giants had been a lifelong dream of mine, and the experience was truly surreal. The sensation of being in the water with them, listening to their haunting songs, is something that words cannot adequately convey. Being alone with these magnificent creatures in the vast ocean was an unparalleled experience. While I have had the privilege of filming various shark species and other large marine animals, it is the whales that have truly captured my heart and soul.